
  1. Whitford_Proteins-Structure and Function
  2. Vogel’s Textbook Of Practical Organic Chemistry, 5th Edition
  3. Vogel’s Textbook of Macro and Semimicro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis, 5th Edition
  4. Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 5th Edition
  5. Type 2 Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, and the Metabolic Syndrome (Primary Care Guide)
  6. tyler_s-herbs-of-choice-the-therapeutic-use-of-phytomedicinals-third-edition
  7. Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, 6th ed, 2008, Pg
  8. Thyroid Disease – A Case-Based and Practical Guide for Prima
  9. Theacher’s Guide to Good Prescribing
  10. Textbook of Receptor Pharmacology 2nd ed – J. Foreman, T. Johansen Second Edition (CRC, 2003) WW
  11. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW-Screening for Prostate Cancer
  13. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW (DARE)-Use of classical and novel biomarkers as prognostic risk factors for localised prostate cancer
  14. Stockley’s Drug Interactions Pocket Companion 2009
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  18. Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry
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  22. Stability of Drugs and Dosage Forms 2000
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  24. Roger Walker Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics – 5th Ed.
  25. Regulatory Guidance Notes For Pharmaceutical HVAC Systems
  26. Rapid Review Pharmacology (3rd ed.)
  27. rang and dales pharmacology (7th edition)
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  34. Physiological Pharmaceutics- Barriers to Drug Absorption
  35. Pharmacy Management ed2 (Essentials For All Practice Settings)
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  37. Pharmacotherapy_7th (Dipiro et al-2008)
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  42. Pharmacotherapy Handbook 9th edition
  43. Pharmacology For The Physical Therapist
  44. Pharmacology : Case Study Workbook
  45. Pharmacodynamic Basic Of HERBAL MEDICINE 2nd Ed
  46. pharmaceutical-microbiology by Ashutosh Kar
  47. Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing 2nd Ed
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  74. Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists
  75. Parenteral_Quality-Control
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  77. Oxford_Handbook_of_Clinical_and_Laboratory_Investigation
  78. Organic Chemistry 7th Edition
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  80. New Drug Approval Process Vol 139 – 4th Ed
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  82. Modul TOT Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Puskesmas 2008
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  86. Microbiological Applications Lab Manual
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  89. Mechanism of Dieases
  90. McMurry -Organic Chemistry – 7ed
  91. Mcgraw-Hill’s I.V. Drug Handbook
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  93. Martini Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology 9th txtbk
  94. Manual of IV Therapeutics
  95. Managing Drug Supply – Managing Acces to Mrdicines and Health Technologies – Full Book
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  97. Majalah POM_Sediaan Besi Untuk Anemia Defisiensi Besi_Vol 11 No 1 Januari 2010
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  106. Lestyo W – Buku ISBN – Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (Farmasi)
  107. Lennet’s Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Infection
  108. Larry L Augsburger Stephen W H – Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Capsules
  109. Kidney and Hypertension in Diabetes Mellitus, 6th Ed
  110. Katzung and Trevor’s – Pharmacology – Examonation and Board Review 11th Ed
  111. Javi Wiley – Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology the Essentials
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  113. Introduction to Pharmacology
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  121. Illustrated Guide on Human Body _vol2
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  123. Hypertension – A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease, H.
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  126. Hugo and Russell’s Pharmaceutical Microbiology, 8th Edition- Hugo, W. B-pharmabooks.yolasite.com